Minggu, 03 Februari 2013


The Amazon is the greatest river in the world by so many measures; the volume of water it carries to the sea (approximately 20% of all the freshwater discharge into the oceans), the area of land that drains into it, and its length and width. 

It is one of the longest rivers in the world and, depending upon who you talk to, is anywhere between 6,259km/3,903mi and 6,712km/4,195mi long.

For the last century the length of the Amazon and the Nile Rivers have been in a tight battle for title of world's longest river. 

The exact length of the two rivers varies over time and reputable sources disagree as to their actual length. 

The Nile River in Africa is reported to be anywhere from at 5,499km/3,437mi to 6,690km/4,180mi long. But there is no question as to which of the two great rivers carries the greater volume of water - the Amazon River.

At its widest point the Amazon River can be 11km/6.8 mi wide during the dry season. The area covered by the Amazon River and ts tributaries more than triples over the course of a year.

 In an average dry season 110,000 square km of land are water-covered, while in the wet season the flooded area of the Amazon Basin rises to 350,000 square km. 

When the flood plains and the Amazon River Basin flood during the rainy season the Amazon River can be up to 40km/24.8 mi wide. Where the Amazon opens at its estuary the river is over 325km/202 mi wide!

Because the Amazon drains the entire Northern half of the South American continent (approx. 40% landmass), including all the torrential tropical rains that deluge the rainforests, it carries an enormous amount of water.

 The mouth of the Amazon River, where it meets the sea, is so wide and deep that ocean-going ships have navigated its waters and traveled as far inland as two-thirds the way up the entire length of the river.

The Amazon - Home of Extremes
The Amazon River is not only the greatest in the world, it is home to many other extremes

of the natural world. Have you ever seen a catfish? They're usually found in warm, slow moving waters of lakes and streams, and some people keep them as pets in aquariums. 

Catfish are pretty creepy looking fish with big flat heads and "whiskers" on either side of their heads (hence the name, catfish). Most catfish that we're familiar with here in the U.S. are anywhere from eight inches long to about five feet, weighing in at up to 60 pounds. 

But the catfish that live in the world's greatest river have all the room in the world to grow as big as nature will allow - they have been captured weighing over 200 pounds! One of the largest freshwater fish in the world is found living in the waters of the Amazon River. 

Arapaima, also known locally as Pirarucu, Arapaima gigas are the largest, exclusively fresh water fish in the world. They have been found to reach a length of 15 ft/4m and can weigh up to 440lbs/200kg. (Read about the biggest freshwater fish in the world.)

The Amazon is also home to some other extreme creatures, featured here in "Extreme Science"; the Anaconda (biggest snake), and Piranha (most ferocious).

Amazon River Facts
So, how did the Amazon get to be so big? The first reason has to do with its location - right at the equator. Around the "belt line" of the earth lies a warm, tropical zone where over 400 in/1016cm of rain fall every year. That averages out to more than an inch (3cm) of rain, everyday!

 A lot of water falls onto the land surrounding the river, what is called the "Amazon River drainage basin". A good way to understand what a drainage basin is to think of the whole northern half of the continent of South America as a shallow dish, or saucer. 

Whenever rain falls and lands anywhere in the river basin it all runs into the lowest place in the pan, which happens to be the Amazon River. The sheer volume of rain in the Amazon jungle, as well as the slope of the surrounding land, combine to create the enormous river known as the Amazon.

Amazon River is a river which is the world's second longest river after the Nile in Africa. River located in South America has the greatest total flow of any river, lbih of the Mississippi River, the Nile, and Yangtze combined. And this river has the largest peraliran system and considered "the strongest" when viewed from the amount of water flowing per second.

The amount of freshwater released into the Atlantic Ocean is enormous: 184,000 m³ per second (6.5 million ft ³) in the rainy season. Amazon's flow is one-fifth of the total fresh water entering the sea around the world. The water in the sea near the river has a low salt content up to hundreds of miles away.

Kono when talking about the Amazon River, the local folklore that evolved was made ​​of the former river flows in a giant snake named Sucuriju Gigante. Sucuriju Gigante was a giant anaconda is said to live in the amazon. Differences with ordinary anaconda that are 10 meters, said sucuriju can reach lengths of 40 meters!. With a diameter of 80 cm and weighing 5 tons, he can wound and destroy a truck with a sin
gle convolution.

According to the amazon native tribe, sucuriju this is the creator of the Amazon river which is said when heavy rains created a mud Gigante dimana2 out the largest ever.

Not only that, but Amazon River said to be filled by terrible creatures, such as piranhas, Pirarucu / Arapaima, Catfish Amazon, an anaconda, Electric Eels, Candiru, Frog Toxic, Toxic Caterpillars, Tyrannobdella Rex, Crocodile.

The Amazon Rainforest, also known as Amazonia, the Amazon jungle or the Amazon Basin, encompasses seven million square kilometers (1.7 billion acres), though the forest itself occupies some 5.5 million square kilometers (1.4 billion acres), located within nine nations. The Amazon represents over half of the planet's remaining rainforests and comprises the largest and most species-rich tract of tropical rainforest in the world. The Amazon River is the largest river in the world by volume, with a total flow greater than the top ten rivers worldwide combined. It accounts for approximately one-fifth of the total world river flow and has the biggest drainage basin on the planet. Not a single bridge crosses the Amazon.

Picture of a giant Anaconda in the Amazon River. A diver finds a giant Anaconda on the bottom of the river.

Sungai Amazon (bahasa Spanyol : Rio Amazones, bahasa Portugis : Rio Amazonas ) adalah sungai di Amerika Selatan yang merupakan sungai terpanjang kedua di dunia - Sungai Nil di Afrika merupakan yang terpanjang pertama. Sungai Amazon memiliki total aliran terbesar dari sungai  manapun, membawa lebih dari sungai Mississippi, Nil dan Yangtze digabungkan. Amazon juga memiliki sistem peraliran terbesar dari seluruh sistem sungai. Meskipun Nil sungai terpanjang, namun Amazon bisa dianggap "terkuat" (dilihat dari jumlah air yang mengalir per detik).

Jumlah air tawar yang dilepas ke Samudra Atlantik sangat besar : 184.000 m/kubik per detik (6,5 juta kaki³ yang masuk ke laut di seluruh dunia. Air di laut dekat sungai ini memiliki kadar garam yang rendah sampai beratus mil jauhnya.

Sungai utamanya (biasanya memiliki lebar satu sampai enam mil) dapat dilalui untuk kapal uap samudra besar sampai Manaus, hampir 800 mil ke hulu sungai dari mulutnya. Kapal laut yang lebih kecil dengan berat 3.000 ton dan 5,5 m (18 kaki) draft[2] dapat mencapai sejauh Iquitos, 3.700 km (2.300 mil) dari laut. Kapal sungai kecil dapat mencapai 780 km (486 mil) lebih jauh sampai Achual Point. Lewat dari sana, hanya perahu kecil yang dapat naik sampai Pongo de Manseriche, di atas Achual Point.

Sungai ini mengambil air dari koordinat 5° LU sampai 20° LS. Sumber paling jauh ditemukan di dataran tinggi inter-Andes, jarak yang cukup dekat dengan Samudra Pasifik; dan setelah menempuh jarak 7.200 km (4.800 mil) melalui pedalaman Peru dan melewati Brasil, ia masuk Samudra Atlantik di katulistiwa.

Piranha adalah ikan air tawar omnivora[1] yang hidup di sungai-sungai di Amerika Selatan. Di sungai-sungai Venezuela, mereka disebut caribes. Mereka terkenal dengan gigi tajam dan pemakan daging. Namun, meskipun Hollywood sering mempublikasikan piranha dengan negatif, piranha tidak seberbahaya itu, dan sering dibudidayakan di rumah dan kantor.

Arapaima, pirarucu, atau paiche (Arapaima gigas) adalah jenis ikan air tawar terbesar di dunia yang berasal dari perairan daerah tropis Amerika Selatan. Ikan Arapaima dapat tumbuh maksimal sepanjang 3 meter dan berat 200 kilogram. Saat ini sudah sangat jarang terdapat arapaima yang berukuran lebih dari 2 meter karena ikan ini sering ditangkapi untuk dikonsumsi penduduk atau diekspor ke negara lain.

Amazon adalah lele ibu kota dunia! Tidak ada sistem sungai, di mana pun di dunia, adalah sebagai spesies lele kaya sebagai Amazon. Diperkirakan bahwa lebih dari 2.800 spesies ikan yang berbeda terjadi di Amazon. Hebatnya, hampir setengah dari mereka adalah ikan lele! Perintah Siluriformes, atau lele, (bersama dengan Characiformes) adalah urutan yang paling beragam dari Amazon ikan dan mungkin yang paling spektakuler. Dengan 15 keluarga, termasuk lebih dari 1200 spesies, lele Amazon tidak hanya mendominasi Amazon, tapi rekening mereka selama hampir setengah dari semua spesies ikan lele di dunia. Ukuran mulai dari kecil (2cm)  hingga ke raksasa  hampir 3 meter panjangnya Brachyplatystoma, atau ‘piraiba’, ikan ini sangat beragam.

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